ConfettiTsunami – Made In Japan

My first full length album is finally here! Made In Japan has taken several years of hard work and is available on Bandcamp now:

Album: Spring

It’s taken too long to release this album, but it’s finally up on Bandcamp for all to hear. You can listen to it on the site or pay what you like to download it.

This album comes from tracks made each week between March and June of this year and marks the halfway point of the music produced for the entire year.

Give it a listen and let me know what you guys think in the comments section:



Album: Winter

The cover to my first album

My new years resolution, to make and release a track each week for the year is going well. I thought it was time to compile the first 12 into a winter collection album available to anyone through bandcamp. It’s a pay what you like policy so feel free to download it and tell me what you think of the tracks. You can listen to them all below or click on the link to download them through bandcamp: