Weekly Beats 42 (Moth On A Train)

This Track track it’s made up of two parts. A mix of both the OP1 and a Nintendo 3DS. The first Two minutes focus mostly on OP1 samples and then after the two-minute mark a more freeform and alternative sound comes out of the use of the M01 software for the 3DS.

Weekly Beats 41 (41 Weeks, 2 Cuts, 7 Stitches)

I picked up the Korg DSN-12 piece of software for Nintendo this week and decided to make a track using the software. All sounds are from the DSN-12 exported into ableton live for mixing together.

It’s amazing the amount of textures you can now get from musical equipment that is available on devices so portable.

Weekly Beats 38 (Long Pig)

Week 38 (Long Pig)

On Long Pig I Started with a simple step sequence that I ran through my modular. Several hours later I’d dragged the modular screaming and wailing into some rather dark territory. The base of this track is made from a section of the modular recording during my evening with it.

To build on the base of the modular I decided to stick to focusing on pure analogue Instrumentation that didn’t fit within tempos or pitch. To do this without going back to the modular again I decided to use an old mixer as a no-input mixer to create a collection of accompanying hums bloops and crackles to make a bleak track suitable for a horror film.


Album: Spring

It’s taken too long to release this album, but it’s finally up on Bandcamp for all to hear. You can listen to it on the site or pay what you like to download it.

This album comes from tracks made each week between March and June of this year and marks the halfway point of the music produced for the entire year.

Give it a listen and let me know what you guys think in the comments section:



Weekly Beats 37 (Transition)

Week 37 (Transition)

This week I started work on a track using my modular and realised it was a bit dark. So I’ve decided to give it the benefit of another few days in the studio and make this weeks track a bridge between the more pop sound of previous tracks to the new darker angle of the next few weeks.
Transition was made mostly with teenage engineering’s op1 but with some splashes of sound from the modular for good measure and then mixed in Ableton Live:

Weekly Beats 36 (Atlas)

Week 36 (Atlas)

This week I had more time in front of my computer, which enabled this week’s track to be more Ableton Live focused. Apart for the vocal sample which was done entirely with the OP1. I would like to thank someone who doesn’t want to be named for allowing me to use her voice in the track.

Weekly Beats 35 (I didn’t see her)

Week 35 (I didn't See her)

I didn’t have a lot of time last week and so decided to go for a theme that would be heavily restrict me into working quickly. The track was recorded over one night using a piano and a looping pedal with panning and effects added later.

Have a listen: