Track Of The Week: Caribou- Leave House

Hi all,

I have an extensive music collection and thought a good way to cheer up those Monday blues would be to post a track that I’m hooked on each week.

This week I have been listening to the composer Caribou, His latest album Swim has some really good tracks on it and some really interesting production, Leave house is one of my favourite tracks from the album:

New Track loose change,

Its 30 mins to late for christmas but I hope your all had a good one, Mine was great but I ran out of time to finish off this track so here is a Demo of it. As I have changed computers and am working on a new setup I may not come back to this track as finding all the stems is becoming a right pain, Anyway Here’s the New track entitled Loose Change.

Merry Christmas one and all,
Loose change demo by Confetti Tsunami