The next couple of weeks are going to be short ones. A lot is going on in my life with a big move to a new house. Which will also provide me with a space to finally build a studio.
With it comes a lot of packing and arranging along with a potential lack of internet for a few days whilst we get it up and running. So with my time and attention on that I will have less time for these blog posts over the next few weeks.
However I will still try to keep the Track Of The Week segment going if not keeping it brief.
Whilst packing I have been listening mostly to audio books with a scattering of music in between. Atlas by Bicep was one of the tracks that really grabbed my attention. A electronic track with interesting synth design and well produced will never go amiss and Bicep has them in spades.
“Atlas” is the closing track (and my personal favorite) from their “Sundial” EP, Give it a listen below:
TOTW Playlist: