This is the third time Grandaddy have appeared on my track of the week segment and with good reason. Their mix of Lo-Fi sound with highly ambitious structure manage to create tracks that you have to admire. The punk “do it yourself” ethos can be ascribed to all of Grandaddys work including their production and its this creation of amazing music almost in spite of the technology that me a massive fan.
Although their second album the software slump is a favourite for me and highlighted in the previous tracks of the week underneath the weeping willow and He’s simple, he’s dumb he’s the pilot. This week I thought i would go to a track from their first album under the western freeway.
Although on the more grungy side of Grandaddys tracks. Summer here kids has the seeds in it that would grow into the gargantuan oaks of later work. The opening synth line and the skittish structure which attacks its own tempo after the acoustic guitar break are perfect examples. Mix that with the cynical downtrodden vocals of Jason Lytle and your on to a great track: