TOTW: Borland_Dead Air

Borland have put out a large collection fo music on Bandcamp over the years and i have enjoyed hearing their evolution, taking a traditional IDM sound and twisting it into darker more gothic styles. On their latest and final record from their OMAR series, Borland have brought back allot more of the elements heard in their early works.

Dead Air is a perfect example of this, a slow building piece that mixes the Ambient and Shoegaze genre. A delicate synth chord progression loops on every six bars as elements are added to create a build until the tracks halfway mark where randomisation starts to affect the synth before the whole track falls into a dark sub bass.

This is my favourite side to borlands work and it’s nice to hear these elements come into the foreground again. Now the OMAR series is finished it will be interesting to see where they take their sound next. For now there’s a collection of really good albums on Bandcamp to go back to:


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